NTRC Funds Project to Provide ICTs for Persons with Disabilities
St. George, May 28, 2013 – The National Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (NTRC) wishes to inform the general public and all stakeholders that, through a competitive bidding process, Affordable Island Communications Inc. (AisleCom) has been awarded a contract to cover the procurement and installation of computer equipment and software and the provision of broadband internet service to persons with disabilities in Grenada.
The goal of this project is to increase the use of ICTs among persons with disabilities. This project will outfit the Grenada National Council of the Disabled (GNCD) and ten (10) other agencies which assist persons with disabilities in Grenada, with broadband internet services and computer equipment and software. This project will target persons who are visually impaired, the blind, and persons with autism. These devices will be equipped with special software specifically for persons with disabilities e.g. Braille keyboard for the blind. In addition, equipment will be provided to various schools for special education which includes software to assist persons with learning disabilities through visual aid. As part of the project, students in the schools for special education will have access to note takers and other equipment which can improve their ability to perform in the classroom, from taking notes to reviewing reading materials. Equipment will also be provided to aid students with autism in improving their communication skills. Thus this project will provide an opportunity to improve the lives of persons with disabilities in Grenada. Another component of the project, which will be provided by the Council of the Disabled, is training for persons with disabilities to utilize ICTs. Among the agencies to benefit from this project include:-
- Grenada National Council of the Disabled
- Resource Centre for the Blind
- Society of friends of the Blind
- St. Andrew School for Special Education
- Spice Centre Victoria
- School for Special Education
- School for the Deaf
- Dorothy Hopkin Home
- Grand Anse Playgroup
- Friends of the Mentally
- Bel Air Home
The project for persons with disabilities is in keeping with the main goal of the Universal Service Fund to support the expansion of telecommunications networks and services throughout Grenada, with emphasis on unserved and underserved areas and user groups that do not currently have access to these services. The Contract is valued at EC $406,171.95. The duration of the agreement is two years after the procurement and establishment of equipment and services to the agencies.
In recognition of the Contract award, a Press Conference was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at the NTRC’s Conference Room, Maurice Bishop Highway, St. George. In attendance at the Press conference were representatives from the NTRC, GNCD, AisleCom, other telecommunications providers and members of the media.